b'LEGACY CELEBRANTRITUALSA ritual is a symbolic element that is used withinRituals are also a way of including your friends aceremonyforexampletheexchangingofandfamilytobepartofyourday.Aring wedding rings.They can be included in manyblessing, for example, is when your rings are ceremoniesweddings,funerals,namingpassed around the congregation so that they ceremonies being the most common. can be blessed.I have a love of rituals and studied AdvancedHandfastingcanbearitualorastand-alone Celebrancy and Rituals.When they are usedceremony.As part of a marriage, the couples appropriately and with meaning they can bringhands are bound together but you may wish to something really special to a ceremony. add children to this when it is a blended family.When I married, my husband and I made ourThe quaich, commonly known as the loving cup, oaths/promises/vows(theyreallyareallthewasoriginallyusedtowelcomeguestswith same thing!) with our hands touching an oathinga wee dram.It was passed around with each stone. guest taking a sip.It is now commonly used in wedding ceremonies, with the couple each This dates back to Celtic times when the lordstaking a sip.placed their feet on a stone when making vows. The one that is most commonly known is theYoucancreateyourownritualbasedon Stone of Destiny which was used for centuriessomething that you already do or recreate an in the inauguration of its kings. important moment in your life.Email: isabel@legacycelebrant.org.uk or call 07846 689884 / 013398 80984www.legacycelebrant.org.uk'